The Rainbow's End Plan
Note: Use this map for printing. Designed by Marcia Tatroe, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names |
Botanical |
A | 3 | Lavender cotton | (Santolina chamaecyparissus) |
B | 1 | Winecup | (Callirhoe involucrata) |
C | 2 | Partridge feather | (Tanacetum densum) |
D | 4 | Sulfur flower | (Eriogonum umbellatum) |
E | 5 | Basket of gold | (Aurinia saxatilis) |
F | 3 | Bluebells | (Campanula rotundifolia) |
G | 4 | Paperflower | (Zinnia grandiflora) |
H | 5 | Hens and chicks | (Sempervivum sp.) |
I | 3 | Yellow hardy iceplant | (Delosperma nubigenum) |
J | 2 | Catmint | (Nepeta x faassenii) |
* | optional | Blue fescue | (Festuca ovina glauca) |
The Straight and Narrow Plan
Note: Use this map for printing. Designed by Larry Horgan, registered landscape architect
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 2 | New Mexican privet* † | (Forestiera neomexicana) |
B | 8 | Creeping Oregon grape | (Mahonia repens) |
8 | -or- selfheal | (Prunella grandiflora) | |
C | 5 | Winter fat* | (Ceratoides lanata) |
D | 1 | Leadplant* | (Amorpha canescens) |
E | 3 | Western virgin’s bower | (Clematis ligusticifolia) |
3 | -or- Virginia creeper | (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) | |
3 | -or- silver lace vine | (Polygonum aubertii) | |
F | 7 | Ozark sundrop | (Oenothera missouriensis) |
G | 10 | Woadwaxen | (Genista tinctoria) |
H | 2 | Indian grass | (Sorghastrum nutans) |
2 | -or- switchgrass | (Panicum virgatum) | |
I | 28 | Winecup | (Callirhoe involucrata) |
*Plants A, C and D will require periodic pruning to stay within the 2-foot boundary.
†Plant A is pruned as a small tree.
77 Sunset Plan
Note: Use map for printing. Designed by Larry Horgan, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 7 | Annual mallow | (Lavatera trimestris) |
B | 6 | Blue oat grass | (Helictotrichon sempervirens) |
C | 2 | Fourwing saltbush | (Atriplex canescens) |
D | 17 | Faassen’s catmint | (Nepeta x faassenii) |
E | 1 | Apache plume | (Fallugia paradoxa) |
F | 4 | Prairie sagewort | (Artemisia ludoviciana) |
G | 33 | Sulfur flower | (Eriogonum umbellatum) |
H | 11 | Creeping Oregon grape | (Mahonia repens) |
I | 2 | Gambel oak* | (Quercus gambelii) |
2 | -or- New Mexican privet | (Forestiera neomexicana) |
*Plants are pruned as small trees. Plants are bushes if not pruned.
Go Native Plan
Note: Use map for printing. Designed by Gale Weinstein, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 4 | Leadplant | (Amorpha canescens) |
B | 14 | Snakeweed | (Gutierrezia sarothrae) |
C | 24 | Sulfur flower | (Eriogonum umbellatum) |
D | 14 | Blue mist penstemon | (Penstemon virens) |
E | Blue grama grass* | (Bouteloua gracilis) | |
F | Pussytoes† and flagstones |
(Antennaria rosea) |
*Seed May through July.
†Enough to fill space between stones.
When Sunny Plan
Note: Use map for printing. Designed by Marcia Tatroe, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 1 (optional) | Fernbush | (Chamaebatiaria millefolium) |
B | 3 | Sea holly | (Eryngium planum) |
C | 2 | Moonshine yarrow | (Achillea x “Moonshine”) |
D | 3 | Rocky Mountain penstemon | (Penstemon strictus) |
E | 3 | Blue flax | (Linum perenne) |
F | 3 | Pink iceplant | (Delosperma cooperi) |
G | 2 | Blue wooly speedwell | (Veronica pectinata) |
H | 2 | Double bubble mint | (Agastache cana) |
I | 2 | Bladderpod | (Alyssoides utriculata) |
J | 3 | Dotted gayfeather | (Liatris punctata) |
K | 4 | Atlas daisy | (Anacyclus depressus) |
5 | -or- Blue fescue | (Festuca ovina glauca) |