Southern Exposure Plan
Note: Use map for printing. The Good Earth - Southern Exposure Plan: Designed by Sara Delaloye.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 3–4 flats | River of starburst iceplant | Delosperma floribundum “Starburst” |
B | 1 | Icee blue juniper | Juniperus horizontalis “Icee Blue” |
C | 11 | Sulfur flower | Eriogonum umbellatum |
D | 5 | Leadplant | Amorpha canescens |
E | 7 | Catmint | Nepeta x faassenii |
F | 7 | Indian grass | Sorghastrum nutans “Sioux Blue” |
G | 3 | Mountain mahogany | Cercocarpus montanus |
H | 7 | Sunset hyssop | Agastache rupestris |
I | 3 | Plume grass | Saccharum ravannae |
J | 5 | Blue woolly speedwell | Veronica pectinata |
K | 5 | Silver salvia | Salvia argentea |
L | 7 | Partridge feather | Tanacetum densum amani |
M | 9 | Blue avena grass | Helictotrichon sempervirens |
N | 4 | Apache plume | Fallugia paradoxa |
O | 4 | Winecup | Callirhoe involucrata |
P | 1 | Beauty bush | Kolkwitzia amabilis |
Q | 5 | Husker red penstemon | Penstemon digitalis “Husker Red” |
R | optional | Cobble for iceplant river | |
S | Retaining wall (wood, boulder, or flagstone) Design performs best in full to part sun. |
Dryland Waterfall Plan
Design performs best in full sun. Note: Use map for printing. Designed by Tim LaPan, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 1 | Bristlecone pine | Pinus aristata |
B | 2 | Vanhoutte spirea | Spiraea x vanhouttei |
C | 3 | Hunter rose | Rosa “Hunter” |
D | 5 | Apache plume | Fallugia paradoxa |
E | 5 | Russian sage | Perovskia atriplicifolia |
F | 5 | Trumpet honeysuckle | Lonicera sempervirens “Magnifica” |
G | 6 | Little blue stem grass | Schizachyrium scoparium |
H | 25 | Winecup | Callirhoe involucrata |
I | 20 | Hardy yellow ice plant | Delosperma nubigenum |
J | 20 | Sun rose | Helianthemum nummularium “Wisely Pink” |
K | Decorative boulder | ||
L | River rock | ||
M | Stone border |
Country Hillside Plan
Design performs best in full to part shade. Note: Use map for printing. Designed by Tim LaPan, registered landscape architect.
Code | Quantity | Common Names | Botanical |
A | 25 | Icicle speedwell | Veronica spicata “Icicle” |
B | 6 | Blue charm speedwell | Veronica spicata “Blue Charm” |
C | Neon flash spirea | Spiraea “Neon Flash” | |
D | 10 | Dwarf fountain grass | Pennisetum alopecuroides “Hameln” |
E | 20 | Native blanket flower | Gaillardia aristata |
F | 25 | Purple coneflower | Echinacea purpurea |
G | 8 | Rocky Mountain sumac | Rhus galbra x cismontana |
H | 6 | Hughes juniper | Juniperus horizontalis “Hughes” |
I | 55 | Emerald queen manzanita | Arctostaphylos santii |
J | 16 | Lavender cotton | Santolina chamaecyparrisus |
K | 16 | Iris species | |
L | 7 | White rugosa rose | Rosa rugosa “Alba” |
M | Dry stack stone wall |