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To water, or not to water, that is the question

Five signs that you can skip your next scheduled watering.    

Turn on the afternoon weather report in Denver this time of year and there's a good chance you'll hear the phrase "scattered storms" in the forecast.

The uncertainty can wreak havoc on a consistent watering schedule. How do you know if you can skip your next scheduled watering? Here are five tips:

  • It rained (or is predicted to rain) ¼ inch within 24 hours.
  • You have mushrooms growing in your yard (and not on purpose!).
  • You have slimy slug visitors.
  • The leaves on your plants are turning an odd, yellowing color.
  • The soil is still moist. An easy way to test for soil moisture is to probe your lawn with a screwdriver. If it goes into the soil easily, that indicates sufficient moisture. Watch how quick and effortless this test is to perform.

Here are some other ways to manage your watering schedule this summer:

  • Keep an eye on your irrigation system. Power failures from storms can reset your sprinklers, causing unintended watering.
  • If you buy and install a WaterSense-labeled smart sprinkler controller, you can receive a rebate up to $75 from Denver Water. These controllers use local weather data to help tailor irrigation schedules to actual conditions.
  • Another relatively inexpensive option is to install a rain sensor to shut off the automatic clock that controls your irrigation system when it rains.

If you see outdoor watering while it is raining, during high winds or otherwise against Denver Water's annual summer watering rules, report it by going to A Denver Water representative will follow up by contacting the property owner or tenant associated with the location to help identify and fix the issue.