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When it comes to watering, we practice what we preach

We say to check your sprinkler system regularly for a reason. One of our employees can testify why.

There’s a reason we produce videos like this. Sure we have some fun, but the message is still important. You need to keep an eye on your sprinkler system all year long. Things can happen.

I nearly found out the hard way.

Since I work at Denver Water, I believe it’s important to practice what we preach. So, each week after I mow my lawn I do a quick check of my irrigation system to make sure everything is working correctly.

Last week, I found a big problem.

We had a power bump in my neighborhood and I had to reset all the clocks in my house. But, at the time I didn’t think about the clock on my irrigation system. It hadn’t been impacted by previous power bumps.

But, this time was different.

My irrigation timer was reset to start watering at noon, every day, for 20 minutes per zone.

That’s just wrong in so many ways.

  • First, our watering rules clearly say you shouldn’t water between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. You lose too much water to evaporation during the heat of the day.
  • Next, you should never water more than three days per week.
  • Finally, you don’t want to overwater a section of your lawn. We recommend the cycle and soak method instead, where you dial back the amount of time you water in each zone, but cycle through that zone twice in a watering session.

Normally, I do all of the above. But a little power bump changed that. It was set that way for two days, but only because I check my system weekly.

Can you imagine the amount of water I would have wasted, and the money I might have spent if I didn’t check my system regularly? Oh, and my neighbors know I work for Denver Water. Not a great message to be putting out there either.

Now, during summertime's heat, is actually a really good time to check your system again and make sure everything is working properly. Remember, the more you use the more you pay, and using only what you need helps keep more water in our mountain reservoirs.

Consider this a public service reminder from a loyal Denver Water employee and a big believer in efficient water use. Check your sprinkler system regularly. You never know what you might find.

Minutes to water per zone(For lawns, based on three days per week) by watering months chart.