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National Dare Day is June 1 and we triple-dog dare you

Step outside of your comfort zone with these 9 water related dares.

When I was in seventh grade, my friends dared me to chug a 32-ounce Slurpee in 10 seconds. To everyone’s surprise, I did it. The brain freeze was killer, but I felt like a champion after — and also a little nauseous.

While dares are mostly about childish fun, they can help us think about the costs and benefits of particular decisions. This is something that hits close to home when thinking about water, which is connected to almost every part of our daily lives.

And since June 1 is National Dare Day, we thought it was a good time to dare you to step outside of your comfort zone and create a positive water change in your life.

We’re not going to dare you to chug a Slurpee, but here are nine water-related dares that we hope will strengthen your relationship to water.

  1. Build a rain barrel — collecting rain water is now legal in Colorado as of August 2016.
  2. Replace your leaky toilet — leaks can waste 100 to 250 gallons of water every day.
  3. Learn to stand-up paddle board or hike a new trail — visit one of Denver Water’s eight reservoirs open for exciting recreation opportunities.
  4. Eat only homegrown produce for a week — see how much water and money you save on groceries with your own garden produce.
  5. Update your water sprinkler schedule — check the sprinkler heads.
  6. Drink a gallon of water a day — your body will thank you and you’ll have healthier skin and more energy.
  7. Wash your car without water — join the waterless car care movement.
  8. Walk the 71-mile High Line Canal trail — explore the canal and learn more about its extensive history.
  9. Give up plastic bottles, for real — invest in a reusable water bottle.

I think I’ll drink a gallon of water a day and join the waterless car care movement.

How about you? Are you willing to make a water change?

To borrow from the hilarious flagpole scene in the classic film, “A Christmas Story”: I triple-dog dare ya!

Unlike poor Flick from “A Christmas story,” our water dares should leave you feeling good about your decision. Photo credit to s_herman, Flickr Creative Commons.