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Wait — don’t irrigate

Aerating your lawn helps water, oxygen and nutrients move deeply into the soil. Photo credit: iStock.

When it comes to lawn watering, April is too early to go automatic.

Save plans to program your sprinkler system for later months, when the ground is less likely to retain wintertime moisture.

You can still dig in and start preparing for the summer watering season. Here’s how:

  1. Start from the bottom up and aerate your lawn. If you can, aerate after a rain or snow shower to help soften the soil for the process.
  2. Then, check the height and width of your trees, shrubs and perennials.
  3. Prune any overgrowth you find in step 2 — it makes excellent compost when shredded.

Denver Water’s annual summer watering rules start May 1 and last until Oct. 1.