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Bid & Contract Opportunities

Each year, Denver Water works with various contractors and vendors on construction jobs, engineering plans, and information technology jobs, among other projects, by soliciting bids for proposals.

This helps ensure Denver Water receives services and supplies in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible.

To provide greater transparency and awareness of opportunities at Denver Water, we are currently in the process of posting all proposals and bids greater than $50,000 to our website, which are broken into three categories: (1) Engineering, (2) Purchasing, and (3) Other. Proposals, bids and other opportunities (e.g., RFPs, RFQs, IFBs, etc.) change frequently. Please check back often. If no bids are displayed below, there are no active opportunities.

Keep Jobs in Colorado Act (KJICA)

Colorado labor shall be employed to perform at least 80% of the work on a public works project.

Submitted Waivers

Contract 504903 Gross Reservoir Expansion Project
In July of 2019, the Kiewit-Barnard Joint Venture (KBJV) was awarded the contract for pre-construction services for the GRE project through a competitive selection process. Denver Water’s decision to select KBJV was largely based on the team’s collective experience constructing similar roller compacted concrete dams across North America and the team’s personnel that would ultimately be committed to the GRE project throughout the course of construction. For this reason, KBJV is obligated to bring personnel who have the requisite experience for this complex project. These individuals live throughout North America and will be mobilized to the project to ensure a successful outcome. Some individuals will re-locate to Colorado and become residents but because of the seasonal nature of the project, many will retain their current residency and travel to Colorado each construction season.

In addition to the specialized nature of the work, the amount of large, in progress and near-term civil works projects occurring on the front range has, and will continue to, create a large demand for Colorado tradespersons. Due to the skilled labor shortage that this creates, we are expecting to reach beyond the borders of Colorado to assemble the necessary work force for the GRE project.

Contract 505703 – Strontia Springs Conduit No. 26 Gate Chains Replacement
In May 2024, Ballard Marine Construction, LLC was awarded the contract for gate chains replacement at Strontia Springs reservoir through a competitive selection process. Denver Water’s decision to select Ballard Marine Construction, LLC was largely based on the best value for Denver Water. Additionally, Ballard Marine Construction, LLC’s diving operations are unique and require in-depth company policy and procedure training, making it difficult to find skilled commercial divers who live in Colorado. This is especially difficult for a project of short duration as the time to train divers on the strict safety protocols and medical procedures required for diving at high altitudes and hyperbaric chamber operations will take longer than the project itself. When diving at the depths required for this project, using unknown labor introduces unnecessary safety risks that should be avoided.



Contract or Solicitation Number:
Solicitation Description:

Denver Water (DW) is conducting virtual Pre-Proposal Sessions for two upcoming services.

Session #1 – Permanent Recreation Planning and Design Services – September 25th at 1 p.m. MST 

Session #2 – Tree Removal & Helicopter Logging Services for 415 Acres – September 26th at 1p.m. MST

Sessions will cover:

  • Project background and scope
  • Denver Water’s contracting and procurement process and timeline
  • Preferred contractor / consultant qualifications 

To RSVP, contact

Post Date:
Due Date:


Engineering Contract Opportunities Overview

Engineering Contract Opportunities Overview

Denver Water’s Engineering division solicits bids for various projects each year, including work on pipelines, pump stations, reservoirs, bridges and buildings. Unless otherwise noted, construction project bid advertisements and contract documents including all specifications, plans, bid documents, advanced prequalified lists and prequalification forms are accessible through QuestCDN.

Engineering has identified several upcoming contracting opportunities in support of our 2023-24 capital plan, many of which have defined goals for MWBE participation.

Current Purchasing Contract Opportunities Overview

A department within Denver Water may require specific services or supplies. Our Purchasing section, acting as a agent, conducts the formal solicitation process. In most cases, our Purchasing section uses the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System (RMEPS) to solicit bidder’s proposals. Interested parties who want to do business with Denver Water Purchasing should sign up through RMEPS. There is no cost to join. However, if interested parties wish to be notified automatically of Denver Water Purchasing bid opportunities, a nominal fee is required by RMEPS. Unless otherwise noted, all pertinent documents can be accessed through RMEPS.

Other Contract Opportunities Overview

Denver Water divisions other than Engineering or Purchasing may solicit contracts for bids and proposals.

Capital Project Prequalification

All contractors interested in bidding on projects must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for each prequalified discipline.