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Supplier Diversity

What certifications are accepted by Denver Water?

Certification is not required to sell supplies or provide services to Denver Water. However, Denver Water accepts valid Minority/Women Business Enterprise certification from local and national certifying government entities, Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council, and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council.  

Small Business Enterprise certification is not required and can be self-attested. Refer to the Small Business Administration Size Standards Tool to determine if you are considered a small business for your industry.

How do I get certified? 

Denver Water does not have a certification process. Businesses seeking supplier diversity certification are encouraged to explore certification options with any local or national government certification agency, Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council, or Women’s Business Enterprise National Council

Does Denver Water maintain its own list of certified diverse suppliers? 

Denver Water does not maintain an independent list of suppliers with diversity certification. Denver Water uses published certification databases from the City and County of Denver, Mountain Plains Minority Supplier Development Council, or Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, among others, for the most current information.  

What opportunities are currently available for diverse suppliers? 

Certification agencies