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Capital Project Prequalification

Prequalified Contractors List (PCL) for General Contractors and Subcontractors Bidding/Proposing on Denver Water’s Capital Projects

Since 2016, Denver Water has been using a prequalification process to select contractors for our capital projects. All contractors interested in bidding/proposing on projects must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for each prequalified discipline in accordance with the following Contractor Prequalification Request for Qualification (RFQ). All approved contractors will be added to our Prequalified Contractor List (PCL). Denver Water provides a preliminary list of our anticipated upcoming Capital Construction Projects* and solicits bids/proposals from approved contractors listed on the PCL. Details can be found in the RFQ, or the FAQs below.

This RFQ is only for General Contractors and Subcontractors that are requesting to be prequalified for potential selection to bid/propose on Denver Water’s Capital Projects. It is not for professional services including consulting, testing, or other non-construction related services. Also, this RFQ does not apply to 20-inch and smaller pipeline contractors that install or modify water mains for developers or development projects. Projects of this scope fall under Plan Reviews.

The majority of Denver Water’s upcoming capital projects are categorized as Restricted or Highly Restricted, and many are located at our secure sites with restricted access. For Restricted capital projects, Denver Water solicits bids/proposals from Contractors approved on the PCL and Contractors must also be prequalified in accordance with this security prequalification process. Approval on the PCL will automatically qualify you for approval on our Security Prequalified Contractor/Consultant List (SPCL).

If your firm was approved for inclusion on our PCL prior to July 1, 2024, a separate SPCL submission was required to be submitted for approval. If your name is not listed on the Security Prequalification Contractor/Consultant List below, please contact Amy Guire,, for assistance.

View current Prequalified Contractor List.

View current Security Prequalified Contractor/Consultant List.

SOQ Documents for Reference/Submission

Project Experience Template

Team Qualification Template

*Please note the upcoming Capital Construction Projects list is subject to change.

Security Requirements to Access Restricted Projects at Denver Water’s Secure Sites (for Subcontractors not approved on the PCL, and Consultants)

Denver Water (DW) initiated a security prequalification process for Consultants/Subcontractors to access DW’s Restricted documents and project sites when completing a DW project. All Consultants/Subcontractors that require access to Restricted documents or will be accessing DW’s Restricted project sites must submit the requirements detailed in the Consultant/Subcontractor Restricted Projects Prequalification Request for Qualification (RFQ) to be prequalified. If approved, the Consultant/Subcontractor will then be placed on the Security Prequalified Contractor/Consultant List (SPCL) and, when applicable, have access to Restricted documents and project sites. The term “Restricted” includes projects identified by DW as Restricted or Highly Restricted.

The time to complete these requirements is estimated to take approximately one to two hours.


When is the SOQ submission deadline?

The prequalification process is open until December 31, 2024. Contractors may submit at any time. Denver Water will only select approved contractors from the Prequalified Contractor List (PCL) to bid/propose on advertised capital projects.

We are a multi-division outfit, how do we determine which GC categories to submit on , besides sub-contractors disciplines?

If you can show good GC experience on projects, we would suggest you submit under both the GC and Subcontractor disciplines.

List major relevant equipment you own for the category. Would this be our assets, or all equipment that we own?

Only list major relevant equipment your company owns if you are a small company. If you are a large company, you do not need to list everything just a general number or a brief description.

Once I have submitted my packet, how long is the review/evaluation period?

The Denver Water evaluation teams typically complete their evaluation in one to two weeks.

Do I need to request the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from Denver Water because they are only sending requests to certain companies?

No, any contractor can submit at any time and use the templates provided in the RFQ. Denver Water does not request or limit qualification packages from any contractor.

If I am approved, can I be guaranteed a project to bid/propose on?

Denver Water cannot guarantee a company will be selected to bid/propose on projects as our objective is to match our project requirements with qualified contractors to ensure successful projects completions for both parties. However, Denver Water will attempt to open the bidding up on specific “unrestricted and non-complex” projects to all prequalified contractors listed under that specific project discipline.