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Classroom Lessons and Resources



Additional Learning Resources

Denver Water has a wealth of resources available to supplement classroom learning. Some materials are specifically developed by the Youth Education Program and others are produced by the organization's Public Affairs team. Most resources are searchable but please contact us if you need something specific.

Water Education Resource Guide

The Water Education Resource Guide, or WERG, contains investigations and activities to explore water use and supply in the Denver area. These materials are meant to serve as a resource to enhance water-related studies in the classroom and complement the Colorado Academic Standards. The materials were developed for sixth grade; however, investigations can be adapted for younger or older audiences. There are investigation in four sections:

  • Water in the World
  • Water in Colorado
  • Water in Denver
  • Wise Water Use

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Online Learning Modules

The Youth Education Program has developed student-centered websites to explore Colorado water at a student's individual pace. These websites are written for 5th–8th grade students to investigate water topics. Investigations are broken into 30-40 minute activities that may include short videos, writing exercises and reflection.

Explore Colorado Water


Colorado has a unique water story. Explore how Colorado's geography impacts water distribution and availability. The site is divided into four investigations:

  • Part One: With the aid of an online interactive map, explore the relationship of land (topography), people and water in Colorado.
  • Part Two: Investigate how watersheds are defined and the characteristics of a watershed.
  • Part Three: Identify the Continental Divide. Develop a definition of Continental Divide and use mapping skills to draw the Divide on a map.
  • Part Four: Explore how water moves in your own neighborhood and build connections between your local watershed and the larger watersheds in Colorado.


Wise Water Use

Explore your water footprint and how to make changes in water use behavior in this three part investigation.

  • Part One: Collect data on how you use water everyday. Analyze your water use and compare it to other site users.
  • Part Two: Investigate virtual water — the water you can't see, but is essential to the production of products we use everyday.
  • Part Three: Reflect on personal water use and how the choices we make impact overall water consumption. Share your reflections in a letter to convince someone you know to change their water use behavior.

Denver's Water Storymap

In an environment like the plains of Colorado, water was essential to the success and vitality of the growing city of Denver. Explore the history, data and messages that emerged over time as you navigate Denver's water story. Every decade has seen new environmental and social challenges that influenced or were impacted by water. The city and the water utility have both changed over time, but one would not have been successful without the other.

Educational Videos

Denver Water creates unique videos to showcase water stories from across Colorado and the Denver Water service area. Access the wealth of videos on Denver Water's TAP — news to hydrate your mind.

Youth Education produced a video to demonstrate the water treatment process at our plants. We can also bring this demonstration to young learners by requesting a presentation